Specialized inizia programma di riciclo delle batterie delle ebike - EBIKE MAG

Specialized inizia programma di riciclo delle batterie delle ebike


Specialized ha iniziato una collaborazione con Redwood Materials, un’azienda del Nevada specializzata in energie rinnovabili. Lo scopo è quello di iniziare un programma di riciclo delle batterie delle ebike. Inizialmente il tutto verrà attuato negli Stati Uniti, ed entro la fine dell’anno ogni batteria del marchio californiano passerà da Redwood Materials, per poi ampliare il piano ad altri Paesi.

Qui sotto trovate il comunicato ufficiale.

Specialized announced a partnership with recycling start-up, Redwood Materials, to tackle battery recycling for the most popular electric vehicle – bikes.

With the expected growth in the e-bike market, local transportation looks a lot more like an e-bike than a car. And much like the conversation around electric vehicles, this means millions of e-bike batteries once they hit their end of life.

Specialized was founded with the mission to inspire riders everywhere. For nearly half a century, one goal has remained constant; deliver the safest, highest performing, most long-lasting bikes available. We design our products from the start to not only last decades, but to minimize the environmental impact at their end-of-life and are committed to finding an effective path for re-use and recycling of everything we create.

Here are the details:

  • Starting first in the US, every Specialized bike battery in the United States will have a pathway to Redwood by the end of 2021. We will then roll this out to our other markets starting in 2022.
  • Redwood Materials brings a low-energy, sustainable recycling process and technical expertise in re-using materials in future product creation, allowing us to focus our efforts on re-use. Together, we will recover materials we can bring back into our manufacturing while also collaborating on ways to improve our design for better recyclability at end of life.
  • The goal is to benefit the entire industry. We will share these learnings on logistics with industry organizations and others in the bike and micro-mobility categories to encourage responsible recycling as the e-bike category continues to grow.

The majority of our e-bike batteries have yet to reach end of life. This partnership allows us to get far ahead of the potential long-term impact, including infusing new design practices in future products. We will share more details on how riders and retailers can participate as we roll out these programs by the end of the year.




  1. La cinese gac sta buttando fuori la prima automobile con batterie al sodio grafene,non usa materiali rari,se non in minima parte.ricarica in 10 minuti e pesano meno delle batterie "tesla" accumulando più energia. Questo è il futuro ma credo che sulle nostre bici passerà un decennio prima di vederle.
  2. Tornando all'articolo spero che se in futuro butterò la batteria esausta della mia e-bike in un centro apposito venga smaltita in maniera appropriata sennò e dá criminali!
  3. Ottima iniziativa ma ci sono diverse aziende che da anni lo fanno in Italia per esempio con le batterie de muretti e dei cart
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